1. TOILET PAPER - I feel like I am flushing money down the toilet. Seriously, I find no value in the square sheets once their purpose is fulfilled. 2. GAS -Surprisingly, this isnt just solely because of the high prices. I actually just hate having to STOP what I am doing and get gas. However, I will confess I am one of those weirdos that likes the smell of gas when its pumping....weird, I know. 3. COIN ROLLERS - I feel like buying rollers to put my coins in is an automatic loss. And yes, I am aware that there are machines that make this process much easier, but in the end...they cost more than the rollers. -_- 4. TAXES - self explanatory. 5. AIR FOR TIRES - I had a slow leak in one of my tires and kept having to fill it. I found one machine that charged me $1.00 for stinkin' air!!!!!! I mean seriously, if I had the lung power I would put the tire in it myself! 6. WORK ALCOHOL PERMIT - The County I work in requires I...