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10 Things Im NOT a Fan of Buying.

1. TOILET PAPER - I feel like I am flushing money down the toilet. Seriously, I find no value in the square sheets once their purpose is fulfilled.

2. GAS -Surprisingly, this isnt just solely because of the high prices. I actually just hate having to STOP what I am doing and get gas. However, I will confess I am one of those weirdos that likes the smell of gas when its pumping....weird, I know.

3. COIN ROLLERS - I feel like buying rollers to put my coins in is an automatic loss. And yes, I am aware that there are machines that make this process much easier, but in the end...they cost more than the rollers. -_-

4. TAXES - self explanatory.

5. AIR FOR TIRES - I had a slow leak in one of my tires and kept having to fill it. I found one machine that charged me $1.00 for stinkin' air!!!!!! I mean seriously, if I had the lung power I would put the tire in it myself!

6. WORK ALCOHOL PERMIT - The County I work in requires I wear a "Alcohol Permit" as part of my uniform. (& they perform random checks and will write both you and the establishment a ticket if you are NOT wearing yours) This permit has to be renewed annually at $25.00 a pop. I feel that if I am 21+ and am legally able to buy & drink alcohol, shouldn't I be able to carry it from the bar to a table for a guest??? I could understand if I were under the age of 21, but seriously?

7. INSURANCE - Though I am thankful for the coverage, Insurance is that thing that you don't seem to need until you don't have it anymore. Its like every month my car & health have take a chunk out of my wallet that I never seem to use. (I am thankful that I am not having to put it to "use" though.)

8. PARKING LOTS -Isn't your establishment already getting money from me? Now you are penalizing me for not walking here....

9. LATE FEES - I typically don't have to pay these, just thought I would add them to the list. ;)

10. ALL THE FUTURE THINGS MY KIDS WILL NEED ME TO BUY FOR SCHOOL -I am clearly not there yet (nor do I have any children). But, every time the stores are set up with Back to School supplies, I cringe knowing I will be there one day.

What are some things you hate buying? 


  1. Ohh let's just go ahead and respond to these:

    1. I hate purchasing this as much as I hate using it. There's always that twinge of embarrassment when buying TP. You try to not make eye contact with the cashier because, clearly, they know what you are using this for.

    2. Agreed. Aside from the smelling it part, but I believe that involves a different issue altogether

    3. We'll finish the response to the rest of these the next time we talk.


  2. I HATE buying bottled water... biggest scam in the world. ;-)

  3. hahaha Might be a scam, but I sure fall for it!

  4. oh I buy it all the time... but it always feels ridiculous to pay $2 for something I could get from a tap. ;)
    and I agree on the buying gas thing...


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