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Cloudy with a Chance of Flexibility

It's dark and rainy outside, late November and the outside thermostat reads somewhere around 70 degrees.
Somehow none of these elements seem to fit together to create a "typical November" and its definitely not the ingredients you stir up for "Holiday cheer". Or is it?
We become so dependent on how things typically look or play out that we abandon the opportunity for surprise. So, what its warm and rainy and Thanksgiving is 2 days away. Yah, I like it to be a bit cooler during the holidays. I mean your supposed to be wearing a hoodie and cozying up by the fire with the ones you cherish the most during the holidays right? But, on the other hand because the weather has been a bit fickle this year (we are in GA folks) we have had more opportunity to admire the changing of the leaves before they get frost bite and just fall to their death. :)
In my life the past few months I have looked around at things and posed a plethora of questions to the One who has all the fact, He himself is THE answer. I've asked Him why I do certain things, where certain idiosyncrasies originated in my life and what the heck am I really living for day to day. Sometimes I look around and feel like in my personal life its late November and with warm & dreary weather. But, is that really a bad thing or is has my perspective been limited to just what other seasons have looked like in the past?
Things may not always line up the way that you thought they would. The weather man may have ill-predicted  the current forecast of your life, but life must go on and you were meant to live it to the fullest!
Good thing they make rain boots, snow galoshes, flip flops, combat boots, TOMS, high heels and tennis shoes. We just have to expand our wardrobe for the appropriate weather. :) Instead of embracing frustration when things seem to be playing out the opposite of what you expected/desired....embrace flexibility. Allowing God to speak to you and grow closer to Him through every season. Take those times to appreciate the beauty He is creating in you before the next set of leaves begin to bud.
And when its warm & raining in November, take advantage of it and go play in the rain.


  1. It's 72 and raining as I type. But, taking advantage of it at 1:03 AM? *yawn* I'll wait and see if it's still warm and raining tomorrow. Love your blogs & love you my daughter. Mama

  2. Good stuff Jenny B! It's amazing the impact that our perspective has on the outcome of every one of life's crazy situations.


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